A collection of excellent courses in easy reach of the stunning City of York.
Gary Player once said that Ganton is the only inland course worthy of holding the Open Championship. It’s not managed that, but it has hosted an illustrious roll-call of team events, including Ryder, Walker and Curtis Cups. Gorse, heather and tight heathland lies are Ganton traits, while the club is proud that its bunkers are very real hazards. This outstanding heathland layout is more of an inland links and if you struggle to find the firm, crisp, fast-running fairways you’re likely to find the lethal combination of about 100 deep, punishing bunkers or, if not, dense rough or gorse. Ganton is right up there with the Woodhall Spas and Sunningdales and although the majority of holes are special in their own right, you’ll never forget the par-4 4th (after driving over a valley, you’re firing into a raised well guarded green)
A terrific heathland layout which really bursts into life around the turn. Fulford is one of England’s most decorated inland courses and is steeped in history – 23 successive European Tour events in the 1970s, 80s and 90s firmly put the course, located in a heathland and woodland setting just a mile from the centre of the historic city of York, on the global golfing map. Furthermore, Fulford also hosted the inaugural Women’s British Open Championship in 1976 and five years later was the scene of the Benson & Hedges Championship and one of the most dramatic shots of all-time – Bernhard Langer played his third shot from the ash tree by the green on the penultimate hole.
York moved to their current site at Strensall in 1904 and J H Taylor designed the course of around 6,000 yards and it was among the longest and most testing in Yorkshire. Now it measures 6,301 yards with tree-lined fairways but has retained its natural heathland and heather heritage and has some wonderful holes including a fine starting 436 yard par four which is usually into the wind. The 426 yard sixth is also tough with a stream running across the fairway and while the eighth at 466 yards is the stroke one hole, watch out for the 154 yard par three seventh and its pond and the 182 yard 17th with a bowl-shaped green surrounded by bunkers.