Who Are We?
We are a national membership organisation representing the golf tourism industry in England, with the objective of promoting England as a leading golf destination at home and aboard.
What We Do
We develop a vision and strategy for promoting golf tourism in England and seek Government Support, acting in the interests of our membership.
Who Benefits From GTE
Our current members and clients include:
- National / Regional Tourism bodies
- English Golf clubs
- English Resorts
- Hotels and Hotel Groups
- Tour Operators (UK and Overseas)
- Industry Partners
Why Do We Exist?
- To coordinate the industries efforts to promote England as a leading golf destination
- To educate the golf tourism market about the attraction of England
- To educate and prepare English destinations and venues etc. to be visitor ready
- To help to develop a tourism infrastructure enabling bookable itineraries
How Are We Structured?
GTE is a not for profit, membership organisation with no shareholders.
Headed up by CEO, Andrew Cooke, the company has a Steering Committee made up of key stakeholders / members.
The Business is primarily B2B, and is effectively a Trade Association for the golf tourism industry in England.
The aim is to create a board to further the progress and development of the organisation.